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Reality Begins with Consciousness |
Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com Innovative PsychopharmacotherapyDr Vernon Neppe's bound book, Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy, was originally published by one of the most well-known and largest medical publishers, Raven Press in New York in 1989. (ISBN 0-88167-490-7), 223 pages, bound, hard cover). The first printing sold out very quickly and Dr Neppe the following year produced the second edition, with only one chapter, Chapter 2, markedly changing. The second edition had a smaller publication run than the first. The book has long been unavailable though occasional copies occur at Amazon or Barnes and Noble at very expensive prices. We have a small number available on site, a few new, and several second hand in various states (excellent to fair condition). Pricing is listed, and dependent on the very limited availability. If your level is not available, then we will try to contact you, and send what is available. Dr Gary Tucker, one of the most well-known neuropsychiatrists at the time, Chairman of Psychiatry at the University of Washington, Seattle , where Dr Neppe was the Director of the first Division of Neuropsychiatry in a Department of Psychiatry in the United States wrote in his Foreword: "This is an important and useful book.... This is a book that experience clinicians will turn to when patients do not respond to the usual forms of treatment. It is a work that attempts to chart a course in an unchartered land where there are very few scientific studies... The import and uniqueness of this book ...provides a theoretical framework with which to approach patients.... It should provoke much discussion and thought in the field." Now why is it potentially a collector's item?The book has two distinguishing Collector's characteristics:1. We believe (cannot prove) that the term Psychopharmacotherapy may be the longest conventional, comprehensible word in a title in English. 2. The term biopsychofamiliosociocultural was at the time certainly the longest comprehensible word referring to systems theory in English. At that stage it was equal first with floccinaucinihilipilification (meaning estimating worthlessness). listed in the Oxford English Dictionary. Of course, it's also helped by Dr Neppe's pre-eminence in Psychopharmacology. He led the first US and International Delegation in NEUROPSYCHIATRY and Psychopharmacology and was chosen to lead one in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropharmacology. He also was chosen (by possibly the most elite group in that area the CINP--he's a Fellow of the CINP) for and has an autobiography in the series featuring the leading psychopharmacologists of the 20th century. To order go visit < a href="/shop/catalog/index.php?cPath=24">Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy Home | Cry the Beloved Mind | Reality Begins with Consciousness | Déjà Vu | Order Books | PNI.org | Contact BrainVoyage
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