The internationally respected expert physician, Prof. Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, DFAPA, FFPsych, FRCPC, a psychiatrist, neuropsychiatrist, behavioral neurologist, forensic specialist and psychopharmacologist also happens to be the world authority on the d�j� vu phenomenon.
In this book, he has revived his 1983 classic, The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? This was the first book on the d�j� vu phenomenon. It is made available for the general public once again in this new rewrite, Déjà Vu Revisited, which Dr. Neppe has rendered more accessible to the intelligent lay reader without sacrificing the scientific relevance and methodology of the original. In tandem with this, Dr. Neppe has produced a companion volume in Déjà Vu: A Second Look, originally intended to be an updated collation of d�j� vu research over the past quarter century, but transformed during the writing process, along with exciting interchanges between Dr. Neppe and his colleague Dr. Art Funkhouser of Switzerland who acts as sub-editor, into a vibrant new look at where d�j� vu research is now in the 21st century and where it is going in the future.
This book, Déjà Vu Revisited, forms the firm foundation for knowledge in the area. It is a must read and a profound insight into phenomenaology at its best. This book must be read by anyone who wants to appreciate the subjective. The Psychology of Déjà Vu: Have I Been Here Before? was described as
�One of the major works of scientific and imaginative genius of our time.�
Professor Lewis A. Hurst
�Dr. Neppe has provided us with his original milestone text which, though published in 1983, remains an invaluable resource for anyone wishing to delve into the complexities associated with the intriguing and fascinating phenomenon we commonly call "d�j� vu". The breadth of factual knowledge he presents there and the fineness of the distinctions he discussed are as topical and valuable today as they were 23 years ago.�
Dr Art Funkhouser, a leading expert on d�j� vu
�This is probably the first scientific work of its kind on the subject of d�j� vu and the book must therefore be hailed as a pioneering venture� There is no doubt regarding the wealth of source material, biological, psychiatric, psychological, and literary� For sheer range of reference material, the book� may be expected to furnish researchable ideas for many years to come.�
Alec Oulton, Medical Faculty, Olomouc, Czech Republic
�One of the major works of scientific and imaginative genius of our time.�
Professor Lewis A. Hurst
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