Reality Begins with Consciousness |
Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com Information for the MediaVernon Neppe MD, PhD has produced a literary classic involving a whole new literary genre which he has called Sciction. For this reason alone, and not even taking into account his international expertise and pioneering discoveries that have changed the lives of millions of people, the opportunity to interview him should not be missed. His latest book, Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope represents a series of voyages in the pharmacology of psychiatry and neurology, reflecting a single message: there is help for the anguished patient. People can be helped, provided we are aware of the exact biochemical or electrical abnormalities involved and we have the appropriate interventions to alleviate the problems. Dr Vernon Neppe is a media expert who can impact on audiences and adapt himself to audiences. He is in great demand as a lecturer, as a public speaker, on radio, television and in newspapers. Dr. Neppe's expertise is very broad and extends to such medical and ethical dilemmas as why not to commit suicide, the dilemma of generic drugs, herbal remedies for the brain, problems of drug interactions, how someone can have seizures before earthquakes, to what is normal? Besides anything, Dr. Neppe has made very major discoveries: He pioneered anticonvulsant use in psychiatry -- now being used by millions, and he discovered what is still the key treatment -- which seems to work! -- for the incurable condition of tardive dyskinesia, the movement disorder that changed the fate of thousands of psychotic patients.
Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope (The EBook (electronic / digital / downloadable book) of Cry
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