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Cry the Beloved Mind |
Déjà Vu Trilogy
For more on the following click here: RELATED SITES: www.pni.org | www.vernonneppe.org | www.tddvp.com | www.ecao.us | www.healthyharmony.com QuakesDr Vernon Neppe developed the new defined literary genre of sciction in his landmark book, Cry the Beloved Mind; A Voyage of Hope a potential Collector's item. It was unique: It was not only the first book written in the defined literary genre of sciction. Also Dr Neppe developed Conversagraphs, and the longest published real word in the English language at that time Ethicobiopsychofamiliosociocultural (with Ethicobiopsychofamiliosocioculturality). Dr Neppe in print has subsquently developed even longer similar systems approach words, but this is the key one being used. (Note it beats up on Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!) Now all of this is in the first play so written in sciction (sciction, conversagraphs, longest word and written by Dr Neppe. It's called Quakes.' See too: https://brainvoyage.com/quakes/ https://brainvoyage.com/sciction/ https://brainvoyage.com/sciction/article/ Recommendation: Buy the combination of the three Ebooks/ books: Bound Copy Personalized or Customized with the Electronic Book and the Ebook Quakes. Home | Cry the Beloved Mind | Reality Begins with Consciousness | Déjà Vu | Order Books | PNI.org | Contact BrainVoyage |
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