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The following terms are new or used in special ways in our TDVP model. We define them briefly to assist our readers. These terms are discussed in more detail throughout the book Reality Begins with Consciousness. You can use these Glossary pages for reference, even printing them, or you can have this open at the same time as reading the book. We also have linked them at 3S-1t: Our conventional scientific reality (what, we, as living sentient beings experience)-3 dimensions of space (length, breadth, height) (3S) and 1 moment in time (1t) (the "present"); (3 dimensions are abbreviated 3D or 3-D).

3S-1t-1+C: Our living sentient being reality always includes some meaningful consciousness. So our experiential reality is 3S-1t plus 1 "Consciousness" dimensions.

3S-3T-3C: A postulated triad of 3-D domains: Space, Time and "Consciousness".

10th plus dimensions: A postulated 10th transfinite series of dimensions, predominantly containing C-substrate qualities, with or without S and T substrates (though still linked to S and T by tethering across dimensions). The term "plus" as used in "10th plus dimensions", mathematically is more than a plus (+). "Plus" usually implies an arithmetical addition, but "10th plus dimensions" reflects expansion of greater awareness and recognizes a broader, discrete reality. Technically, the transfinite incorporates the 9 finite dimensions (they are inseparable just as tethering is). In the process of Dimensional Extrapolation the mathematics simply runs out of numerical representation when going beyond 9-finite dimensions to the 10th plus, as it contains everything beyond those dimensions but also contains the 9 finite dimensions, plus the transfinite. This combination of finite (9D) and transfinite is what we're calling the "metafinite".

Cabibbo angle (\0x03B8C): Fermion mixing angle between the eigenstates of 2 elementary particles. Fermions exhibit the half-spin property and include electrons plus quarks. In quarks, \0x03B8C reflects an accurate measure of the probability that one flavor of quark will change into another flavor under the influence of the weak force and has been empirically demonstrated at 13.04 +/-0.05 degrees. The justification of this specific angle has remained a mystery until the Close-Neppe 9 dimensional spin mathematical derivation based on TDVP principles. (Named after the Italian physicist Nicola Cabibbo, 1963).

Calculus of distinctions (CoD): Well-defined logical and mathematical operations involving the drawing of distinctions, constituting the most basic concept underlying all logic and mathematics. Particularly relevant to TDVP are distinctions of content, extent and impact. Developed by Ed Close, later assisted by Vernon Neppe. There are several levels of distinctions in CoD of pertinence to the TDVP model including:

Distinctions of existential reality: Variables of Impact (Influence), Content and Extent (ICE)

Distinctions of interpretation: Perceptual, conceptual, experiential (actualized) (PCE)

Distinctions of fundamental elements: that which is distinguished; that which it is distinguished from; that consciousness that draws the distinction (DFC).

Calculus of dimensional distinctions (CoD): The CoD with extended notation and detailed operations applicable to finite n-dimensional distinctions.

Chronit: Speculative quantal-like packet of time; may or may not have subdivisions.

Complex number: A real number plus an imaginary number. (Imaginary numbers are complex numbers whose real part is zero). a + bi where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit. These can be viewed as points in a plane and the field of complex numbers is algebraically closed.

Conceptual: (In CoD) The never complete interpretation of the perceptual combined with the logic inductive and deductive reasoning processes.

Consciousness: The everyday use of the concept of "consciousness" has varied. Consciousness has traditionally been the most difficult of all terms to describe and its everyday use has varied. We use the generic term "C-" to communicate the broad range of Consciousness, as a Unit: a unified, general term across the infinite and finite. In TDVP, we apply our new EPIC classification: C- involves four key phenomenologically different classifications: the "EPIC" components -Existential C-, Paradigmatic C-, Information-meaning C- , Cybernetic C-. Yet each component can be applied to every description of C-.

1. E: Existential distinctions of C-: These involve three important subjective interpretations. (C-substrate dimensions tethered with Space and Time and measured ordinally by degree -extent of Consciousness: C-matrix content (what is in the container?) and paralleled with mass and energy (Content Consciousness), C-interface in which the Consciousness process impacts and influences the content and extent: This is Impact Consciousness.

2. P: Paradigmatic levels of C-. There is a gradation. Everything has Qualit Consciousness as this is meaning at the most basic quantum level; the endpoint expression of all living (animate) beings is Neurobiological/ Neurological Consciousness; psychological factors involve humans and animals (disputably partly separate from the neurological; Higher Consciousness involves, e.g., creative, transcendent and altered states, and traits of mystics, disputably outside the brain. Together, we refer to all these as "Paradigmatic Consciousness" and they can be applied broadly across all the sciences, plus mathematically and philosophically.

3. I: Information converted to meaning: General information repositories may at its extreme be infinite, and covers meaning as a direct targeted expression of meaningful information, applied in any of these models.

4. C: Cybernetic consciousness communications: This provides a mechanistic input, central and output model, again applicable to any of these models. It's very important in regular communication, and likely psi and disputably theologically. Physical equivalents would be force (e.g. natural earthquakes, or machines impacting). This EPIC classification integrates these four non-exclusive conceptualizations. They are always linked: e.g., Consciousness Impacts its Extent and Content, and can be objectified at the Qualit (quantum with meaning), Neurobiological, Psychological and Higher Consciousness levels; consciousness mechanistically has input, receptor and output; and the targeted meaningful information is applicable for every consciousness component.

A basic consciousness (Qualit) level always exists in everything inanimate or animate as everything contains the most fundamental discrete finite physical meaning linked in extent with space and time, and in content with mass and energy. All living beings have awareness and responsiveness in the nervous system-neurobiological consciousness. This is always linked with psychological consciousness. A "Higher Consciousness", disputably outside the brain or body, may occur in states like dreams, meditation, or creativity, or may occur as a trait in, for example, mystics or near-death descriptions. In TDVP, consciousness always exists as a meaningful unit underlying every aspect of reality. Existentially, consciousness impacts and influences the extent and content of events and objects (mass and energy also can influence these). However, in philosophy, "consciousness" is imprecise and ambiguous based on the specific philosophical, mystical or theological model (so not applied in TDVP).

Conscit: Speculative quantal-like packet of meaning: may or may not have subdivisions.

Continuous: Spatial, temporal or conscious extension, infinitely divisible, non-discrete, without breaks or gaps or end.

Content: (in CoD) Variables that contain e.g. the content of mass and energy and Consciousness content; measured indirectly only through "Content Density" (content/unit extent). Reflects "content" -what is contained, and not the "process".

Content Density: The density of a content distinction is measured as content (mass, energy or meaningful impact) per unit of Volumetric Extent.

C-: 3 broader Consciousness terms for substrate extent, content matrix, interface influence.

C-Interface: The impact and influence of all "Consciousness" with extent and content.

C-Matrix: Combined total Consciousness Content; container like Mass and energy.

C-Substrate: Combined total consciousness: links the extent of metafinite with the infinite; the third substrate with Space and Time. (Compare other distinctions: C-matrix, C-interface.)

Density: Content and Impact are measured indirectly per unit of Extent.

Decision Augmentation Theory (DAT): DAT postulates that humans integrate information obtained by anomalous cognition into the usual decision process. The result is that, applying regression statistical analyses, such decisions are biased toward volitional outcomes.

Degrees of freedom (DOF): These describe the number of orthogonal directions in which something can move and is fundamental to dimensions-to variables of extent. Dimension: Non-congruent, non-parallel extensions measurable in terms of variables of extent (CoD) such as Space, Time and (dimensional) Consciousness. Operationally, in the Euclidean framework, for convenience, dimensions are defined as orthogonal to each other and characterized in degrees of freedom. A continuous distinction that can be measured in units of extent. These interact together forming different domains with specific properties.

Dimensional Biopsychophysics (DP): A new multidisciplinary term that impacts across many different major areas of study. DP includes dimensions, the finite and infinite, and consciousness. It integrates the broader scientific biological, psychological and physical disciplines and includes mathematics.

Dimensional Distinctions: Refers to distinctions whose boundaries can be defined in terms of functions of variables of extent. Dimensional Domain (also called "Domain"): A contiguous collection of perceived or conceptualized distinctions of extent; in our living sentient reality it usually is 3S-1t(-1c). When conceptualizing a 9-dimensional finite reality it could be any set or subset of dimensions, for example, 3S-3T-3C or even, theoretically, 2S-1T-6C. (See, too, "domain"). Dimensional Extrapolation (DE): A mathematical dimensionometric process for defining the dynamic relationship of dimensional domains and number theory through rotation and projection; a process used to identify the number fields characterizing projected multi-dimensional domains: the logical extension of a known parameter or parameters facilitating the process of moving to and from higher dimensions. An iterative logical operation based on the natural correlation between number fields and multi-dimensional domains of extent. DE is most easily calculated bottoms-up, starting at lower dimensions and extrapolating to the higher ones, but can also be reversed.

Dimensional Invariances: Mathematically, dimensional invariances refer to entities or quantities, that are unaltered even when particular transformations of dimensional variables or coordinates occur. Invariances do not vary-they are constant.

Dimensionometry: The logic and mathematics of geometry extended to include dimensional domains of at least nine dimensions.

Distinction: Anything that can be distinguished, in any way whatsoever, from everything else: Any finite object, event, image or thought distinguishable from its surroundings.

Discrete: Finite, discontinuous, countable set of values; not continuous.

Domain: Domain is mathematically applied in the context of dimensionometric logic, and allows for proofs and manipulations. "Dimensional domain" (see definition) is the appropriate way of applying the finite elements of the Calculus of Distinctions. However, domain involves more than just the initial 9 finite dimensions, but, in addition, the transfinite and infinite "domains": We sometimes refer to these as "subrealities", but with "domain" we communicate the possible mathematical elements to these fundamental distinctions.

Embed: (TDVP): Lower dimensions contained in the higher; finite in infinite; S in T in C.

Essence: Fundamental infinite nature including infinite space, time, consciousness, information, order and life. Qualities of the infinite incorporate metaspace, metatime, and metaconsciousness, plus ordropy and potential life.

"Eigen-": (German: "own" or "defining property"): a value of a variable in a set of equations that gives a solution that is consistent with all the conditions that define the particle or system being described by the equations. An "eigenstate" refers to such a state: in quantum physics, this is a quantized dynamic system (e.g., an atom, molecule, or electron) in which one variable defining the state has a determinate fixed value (e.g., spin, energy or angular momentum). We then refer to "eigenvalue"; or alternatively, if this relates to vectors, to "eigenvectors". For vector equations describing a rotation about a reference-frame origin, the matrix would be n x n, i.e. a "square" matrix. The Cabibbo matrix, e.g., is 2 x 2.

Entanglement: (Quantum Physics) linkage of ostensibly separated energy packets, particles, photons in time and space manifesting at the 3S-1t level.

Experiential: In CoD, the combination of the perceptual and conceptual, resulting in a specific subjective, phenomenal happening (experience).

Extent: In CoD, extent involves measurable real, imaginary or complex numerical values, ranging from zero, discrete values to infinity, and from interval to ordinal. They can be finite, transfinite (quantized or discrete infinity) or infinite (reflecting continuous infinity).

Extropy: Our previously term replaced by "ordropy" ("order" opposing "entropy").

Falsifiability: Empirical or mathematical demonstration of the falseness of a hypothesis. The level of proof is a negation as opposed to a possibility in Feasibility, but it's often limited to aspects of 3S-1t, insufficient for cosmological concepts like evolution.

Feasibility: The empirical or mathematical demonstration of the manifest portion of something that we can experience, perceive or conceive of but is not falsified. It's applied particularly with extra dimensions, manifesting like a jigsaw puzzle piece in 3S-1t.

Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT): No three positive integers a, b, and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two. FLT is applicable to TDVP because it allows conceptualization of the natural asymmetries beyond three dimensions and mathematical calculations involving vortices. This famous mathematical theorem (1637) was unsolved for 4 centuries: A proof by Andrew Wiles, who was subsequently knighted, was recognized in 1994, published in 1995. Wiles's derivation differs significantly in form and content from the earlier proposed 1965 proof by Edward Close, published in 1977 2.

Finite: Of limited extent in space, time and consciousness, with limited content: discrete, discontinuous subreality.

First Sight: Carpenter's 2012 Theory postulating that psi is an always occurring fundamental "normal" process. It precedes regular communications or thoughts or actions.

Fluctuating dimensions: Relative dynamic changes in dimensional perspective including rate or magnitude of change. These are within, across and between dimensions, and may be state related (at that moment in time) or trait related (more consistent over time).

Frequency: the number of vibrations per unit time. An object vibrating in N dimensions may have a different frequency than the same object vibrating in N+1 dimensions. Hypercomplex number: In mathematics, hypercomplex numbers are extensions of the complex numbers constructed by means of abstract algebras. These cannot be viewed as points in a plane. In TDVP, specific manifold-forming sets of hypercomplex numbers can be viewed as points in n>9 dimensional domains (e.g., as quaternions in 4 dimensions).

Imaginary number: A number written as a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i: It has a negative or zero square e.g., 6i2 = -6.

Impact: (CoD) Variables of form and process (previously called Variables of Intent; also Variables of Influence). Includes interactions of afferent information, central intent and efferent influence. Reflects deliberate or automatic "processes" not "content".

Impact Density: Measurement calculation of Impact per volumetric unit of extent.

Indivension: The process involving fluctuating STC-mainly C-substrate domains of "zillions" (Nn) of individual-units and extrapolation. These portray unique or common transdimensional (often transfinite) relative experiential realities. Indivension occurs through the interaction of vortical distinctions (New term derivation: Individual-units; dimensions). Indivension describes the process of moving across, between and within dimensions, and interfacing across different levels of individual-units. It also describes the limited, relative and fragmented views of reality afforded by the physical senses of different sentient beings.

Individual-unit: Distinct "conscious" finite biological unit across dimensions and also the infinite. Multiple levels manifest together, most overtly in individuals but can be familial, group, ethnic, cultural, social, and species linked (acronym: GIFECSs).

Infinite: (TDVP) Limitless, unbounded, continuous, without end subreality in Space, Time and Consciousness (C-) Substrates. The infinite subreality contains the finite discrete and transfinite subrealities. Infinity involves a continuous subreality, that obeys the laws of nature, but we conceptualize the gestalt-the whole-and the total content of infinity is almost completely unknown.

Influence: This term in TDVP, is at times used almost synonymously with "impact" as in "Distinctions of Impact" or "Distinctions of Influence". There is a subtle linguistic difference. We can try to influence someone, but have no impact on them; alternatively we can impact others by example, without obvious influences. Influence is more causal on the afferent side, impact more efferent (result). We sometimes use these terms interchangeably.

Invariant: In mathematics, a property of a class of mathematical objects that remains unchanged when certain transformations are applied to the objects. Invariants remain unaffected by a designated operation.

Laws of nature (TDVP): The model of laws universally applicable to all reality associated with both finite and infinite existence. Events or objects may appear "supernatural" or "miraculous" in our restricted 3S-1t reality experience, but still conform to the laws of nature at higher dimensional and infinite levels-there are no limitations to the infinite.

LFAF: Lower-Dimensional Feasibility, Absent Falsification (Philosophy of Science approach to proof); the basis for including logically feasible concepts in hypotheses that may not be falsifiable in 3S-1t. This is applicable at all dimensional levels.

Life: Biological living with its physiology that ceases at physical death; in TDVP, this is described as "physical life". The TDVP term "life" also has components of existence in the infinite, and used synonymously with "existence" of at least, a "consciousness".

Life-track: (TDVP): (Speculative). Finite model of individual-unit existence in the infinite created by the conscious drawing of finite distinctions. Lower-Dimensional Feasibility, Absent Falsification: LFAF

Massergy: (LFAF): Compound condensation term to reflect mass-energy equivalence.

Mathematical singularities: Points located in any n-dimensional domain by exactly n discrete numbers. They have no extent or content.

Meta-: A prefix implying "broader higher level of order". In this context, it is used as below for metaparadigm, but also in the context of various infinite unextended without end and without beginning continuous infinite concepts: Metatime, Metaspace, Metaconsciousness, Metainformation and Metalife. Goedel used the term "metamathematics".

Metafinite: (Neppe-Close TDVP). The discrete transfinite plus the lower finite dimensions. All the discrete, quantized, pixilated. Embedded in the infinite continuity (see "Transfinite").

Metaparadigm: Broadest paradigm impacting all sciences, mathematics and philosophy.

Mnemonic: A memory aid, such as letters of words (an acronym), or applied associations.

Neologism: A newly coined term, word or expression, often with no linguistic equivalent.

NLCE: The Neppe Law of Cause and Effect: If the cause of a precognitive impression is changed, then the effect changes, allowing for, at least, partial free-will. Origin Event: The initial origin in finite reality of events at the beginning, corresponding with the origins of space, time and consciousness, and possibly mass and energy. (Some use terms, like Event Horizon. Linked controversially with singularity and expanding universe or the Big Bang. We use the term Origin Event non-prejudicially here.

Ordropy: The existence of spatial, temporal or other meaningful multidimensional order and patterns, in finite and infinite subrealities, including, but not limited to, negative entropy ("negentropy") (massergy [M] ordropy). A second component is Informational [I] Ordropy. This is non-energetic but impacts mass-energy. (previously "extropy").

Orthogonal: The relation of two lines at right angles to one another (perpendicularity), and the generalization of this relation into n dimensions.

Paradigm: A model of reality constituting a specific worldview underlying the theories and methodology of a particular scientific subject.

Paradigm Shift: A paradigm that transforms thinking in a discipline.

Parangular: As one increases the number of dimensions, dimensionometry reflects an orthogonality that is relative to the framework of observation. "Parangular" reflects relative orthogonality and is particularly important in analyses across higher dimensions, as occurs in indivension because vortices, vectors, scalars and tensors may meet.

Perceptual: In physics, it is what we obtain from the senses and instruments extending the senses. It is considered as empirical evidence though in reality it is affected by the dynamic states of the observers and their relationship to the whole substrate. It is thought of as objective physical reality with measurable data and interpreted as reality but limited by the axiom of physical limitations. This is easily misunderstood, partial and incomplete element because of its necessary limitations of the senses and instruments measuring it.

Physical Reduction Valves: The restricted elements that differentiate and limit self and individual-units from being overwhelmed by their environment. This results in limited perceptual experience while alive, providing a bidirectional filter for pertinent space, time and consciousness data.

Polife (Po-life): the potential towards physical life in the infinite-before and after physical life: Continued existence in the absence of physical life. Metalife includes Polife.

Psi: A composite term used for extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK); layperson terms are psychic, paranormal, anomalous and sixth sense; part of parapsychology.

Psi mediated instrumental response: In Rex Stanford's PMIR model, individuals may spontaneously unconsciously obtain their "psi" needs, and use this knowledge to modify their behavior in a way which will be instrumental in satisfying those needs.

Qualit: Hypothetical speculation only: discrete quisits, chronits and conscits; like quanta plus "consciousness". So quanta (quisits-space, chronits-time) plus conscits (consciousness).

Quantum: (Physics) a discrete finite unit quantity of matter or energy.

Quisit: Speculative quantal-like packet of space: May only be meaningful in relation to quanta of matter or energy.

Real Number: A value that represents a quantity along a continuous line: This includes all the rational numbers, such as the integers 6, \0x22128 and the fraction 7/4; all the irrational numbers including irrational algebraic number (e.g. /2 (1.414213...) and transcendental numbers (e.g., pi (3.14159...).

Reality: All of what exists. The infinite and metafinite subrealities make up an indivisible holistic unit. In TDVP, a sub-hypothesis is that this discrete metafinite is likely embedded in the continuous infinite. In sentient beings, reality is subjective, perceived or experienced and Common reality may be verified independently by a majority of conscious observers. Much of reality is hidden so that what exists is far greater than this common reality. Reality requires the inseparably tethered components of S, T and C and conforms to natural law.

Relative Nonlocality: In both physics and consciousness research, "nonlocal" (also "non-local") refers to a distant connection of information, apprehension or perturbation. However, this is always "relative" to the observer's reference frame and perspective, so the term is more correctly "Relative Nonlocality". There are 5 different levels of Relative Non-locality:

• "Relative restricted non-locality" (RRNL) is relative to our restricted 3S-1t-1C in sentient beings (other animals may not experience some phenomena as "non-local").

• "Relative dimensional non-locality" (RDNL) is relative to the dimensional domains.

• "Relative transfinite non-locality" (RTNL) is relative to the transfinite domains.

• "Relative continuous non-locality" (RCNL) is conceptualized relative to infinity.

• "Relative mystical non-locality" (RMNL) is relative to the "infinity of infinities".

"Nonlocal" is both relative to the observer, and also the nonlocal is registered locally in the consciousness including specific brain or brains, implying, again, "Relative nonlocality".

Restricted 3S-1t (-1+C): The restricted reality that we, sentient beings, experience during physical life associated with limited perception and responses. Most of reality is hidden at the various relative non-locality levels

Reverse Dimensional Extrapolation: A conceptual aid for visualizing the dynamic relationship of dimensional domains from the top down; i.e., from the 10th plus dimensions (transfinite domain), through rotation and projection.

Scalar: refers to a quantity which has no direction, e.g., a non-directional force.

Six sigma data: Statistically, six or more standard deviations beyond the mean (1 in >109)

STC: Space, time and "consciousness"; specifically, S, T and C-substrates (S, T and C).

Space: (S) Volumetric extent including the dimensions of height, depth, and width (reflects three variables of extent with an interval metric) within which physical reality manifests.

Space-time: A four-dimensional domain formalized mathematically by Minkowski and adopted by Einstein as the tool to express the laws and transformations of relativity.

Subreality: Conceptually we refer to the unit that is reality. Conceptually, we subdivide the infinite subreality that totally contains the finite subreality.

Substrate: Source of all distinctions of extent and content: Reality consists of STC: a Space substrate, a Time substrate and a special kind of substrate of "Consciousness" (C-substrate).

Superpsi: Living agent psi at its most extreme as a theoretical alternative to Survival.

Survival: Survival of any component of one's existence after bodily death.

Systems Approach: TDVP applies the concept of "individual-unit" as an element of emphasizing that everything is related: This unity is emphasized by complex but comprehensible terms like ethicospirituobiopsychofamiliosocioethnicocultural approach.

Tensors: Geometric objects describing the linear relations between vectors, scalars, and other tensors. Tensors can be represented as multi-dimensional arrays of numerical values.

Tethering: In TDVP, all of space, time and "consciousness" (S, T and C) are tethered-they are fundamentally inseparably attached together at one or more roots. Even when these roots are limited to only one or a few communication source attachments of S, T and C, this still results in a relative non-local (network) linkage at every dimensional level. Effectively, even at the subatomic level, space, time and "consciousness" always immediately together co-exist, originally and eternally across space, time and meaning. Tethering is not even like traveling at light speed- it is not a wave: communication is instantaneous. Effectively, there is "immediate" relative non-local communication at every level: It is there-tethering does not need to move through space, time or meaning or "physically link". S, T and C always remain linked, across, between and within all dimensions. The tether might be either tight (with many roots or source) or loose (more subtly connected). Even when loose, the linkage always exists, as even any ostensible separation still exhibits communication of all of the STC components. However, speculatively differences in tethering extent occur: it could be weak or strong: This might explain differences in communications like psi. Metaphors like "balloon on a string" or "boats moored to the pier" assist the linkage idea, but they greatly mislead because they reflect 3S-1t local space-time linkage descriptions whereas tethering involves multidimensional relative non-local STC communications. Mass and energy are also always tethered to consciousness content as they're measured in space and time extent.

Theory of Everything (TOE): A commonly applied but ambiguous term for a complete explanatory model of reality conforming to the laws of nature. TOEs should seamlessly reconcile with all the major theoretical models and authoritative sources of all the sciences and mathematics, but should not be construed as reflecting omniscience, instead implying application of principles. TOEs are sometimes regarded as primarily philosophical, yet the original, limited meaning was in Physics. We dislike the ambiguity, because its use can be misinterpreted. We have, instead, used the term "metaparadigm". Nevertheless, applying metric comparisons to 24 "TOEs", TDVP scores far the highest with a perfect score.

Time: (T) Duration of finite moments perceived together as past, present and future and an infinitely continuous substrate. In finite reality, this encompasses three proposed dimensions of extent encompassing all lower-dimensional realities and events and necessarily moving through space and consciousness. In 3S-1t, a dimension of duration or extent permitting the mathematical relating of events and change to spatial extent as a "fourth" dimension.

TDVP: The Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm is a metaparadigmatic model developed equally by Drs. Vernon Neppe and Edward Close. It is based on the available broader empirical data of all the sciences (physical, biological, consciousness and psychological), validated partly by mathematical theorems, applying LFAF for scientific validation, and applied to philosophy (as "Unified Monism"). The key features are STC tethering, 10+ Dimensions, broader "Consciousness", Infinity, plus a model of life and order.

Transfinite: The transfinite is sometimes called "countable infinity": Realistically, the number is so large, it blurs and by definition cannot be counted. However (in TDVP), "transfinite" essentially still involves a discrete extent (so it is technically quantal though ordinal in measure). Transfinite is contrasted with the "infinite" that is never discrete or countable, though continuous, but the "finite" also includes the lower dimensions. Transfinite is sometimes used with several meanings and therefore, we have added the new term "metafinite" to resolve this ambiguity.

The equivalent discrete element of the continuous infinite is the "metafinite". The metafinite includes the discrete finite 9 dimensions, plus the "transfinite" (we've called this the higher "10th plus dimensions"). The (discrete) metafinite is contained in the (continuous) infinite and can be conceptualized as the discrete, actual pixels of the infinite continuity.

• "Metafinite" allows a conceptual approach of the "10th plus (transfinite) dimensions". It allows the linkage downwards to the "10th minus dimensions". This provided a "top-down" approach to the first 9 demonstrable finite dimensions.

• "Transfinite" is not, therefore, just the discrete equivalent of infinite continuity (metafinite is). The transfinite allows models of unextended, eternal, unending information at the Higher Consciousness levels with Space and Time fully contained inside that C-substrate component of "consciousness". The transfinite is conceptually separate from the 9 finite dimensions as it not countable but mathematically there is still a correspondence with each point; like pixels on a screen but so many that they cannot be conceptualized.

• The transfinite is not conceptually equivalent to an extra dimension (the 10th) versus the first 9; it involves a (mathematicological) concept of discrete, technically, ordinal in measure, unattainable higher STC awareness not an extra "space" or "substance" or "series". Referral to N-dimensional realities implies the N dimensions of the "Transfinite" except that there are also 9 finite dimensions too (but these mathematically cannot make N+9 as the same rules apply to the transfinite as to the continuous infinite). Transfinite, therefore, refers to the quantized transfinite 10th plus dimension mirroring those transfinite equivalents in the infinite continuum; the first 9 quantized dimensions also mirror a 1-9 D continuous infinite.

• Metafinite includes both the quantized, discrete transfinite and the quantized discrete finite and this is all a mirror-image, contained, indeed embedded, in the infinite continuum.

Just as 4 dimensions are experienced in part and they're contained in the 9 dimensions, the 9 dimensions are what we can demonstrate mathematically as the finite, but they're contained within the Infinite Continuity and the equivalent discrete Metafinite.

Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm: is the long, complete name for TDVP.

Triadic (dynamic)-dimensional-distinction vortical paradigm (TD3VP): An unofficial proposed alternative name for TDVP emphasizing the dynamic element.

TTOOURS: "Triadic Tethered Ordered Origin Unified Relative Subjectivity" (more detailed description of the TDVP metaparadigm).

Triad: An inseparable trio such as space, time and consciousness (STC) (adjective: triadic).

Ultimate Simultaneity (Temporal Unity): A term for the continuous, infinite reality reflects all of time and space in totality simultaneously. This necessarily implies a different conceptualization of Time, such as multidimensional time. On a finite level, Time interpretation in the infinite appears "relatively nonlocal" but it's only so relative to 3S-1t.

Unified Monism: A philosophical model developed from the scientific and mathematical metaparadigm of TDVP. Posits a unified reality of Space, Time and Consciousness with the infinite inseparably pervading with the finite. STC and Mass-energy-C- are also tethered.

Variables: These exhibit a range of varying values, as opposed to a specific, finite numerical value, and represent measures to define distinctions (contrast with mathematical constants).

Variables of Impact: These functionally interface as process impacting distinctions at any or all of the triadic S, T and C substrate levels.

Vector: refers to a quantity that has both direction and magnitude, e.g. force in a given direction or velocity. Vectors are often represented by an arrow. (See: Scalar, Tensor)

Vibration: Simple or complex, regular or irregular repetitive movement. Vibrations in n dimensions may have a different frequency than the same object vibrating in n+1.

Vortex: A dynamic moving curvilinear manifold multi-dimensional distinction of any open or closed form, including spherical, ovoid, helical or spiral forms (adjective: vortical). Essential characteristics are curvature and movement. However, the movement can equal zero relative to a specific dimensional domain or reference frame. Vortical Frequency (VF): The number of times an n-dimensional vortical distinction rotates in 3S-1T-1C per unit time to return to an arbitrarily chosen "original" starting quantum state VF, as vortices, is expressed in curved movement. VF is listed here to avoid possibly prejudicial ambiguous phrases like "vibrations" and "higher vibrational frequency".

Warping: The distortion of Euclidean dimensional realities by opposing forces.

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